In recent years, models of ecological niches and species distributions have developed tremendously, especially when applied to conservation and global change, but also to address more fundamental issues. However, if ENMs have the potential to provide key support to conservation decisions, accurate predictions are required to limit the risk of false decisions. These models thus not only need appropriate species distribution data but also require accurate and informative ... En savoir plus ...
In recent year, modeling approaches that aim to inform the onset of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) have developed tremendously and new concept like EAMME already arise. However, there is a lack of field data specifically collected to confirm and improve the models prediction. In West Africa, the exploitation of Small Pelagic Fish (SPF) is a crucial matter for population’s food security and economy. Multiple stressors may act on population dynamics ... En savoir plus ...
Large cities in developing countries (like the ones used as case studies for this project: Dakar and Marrakech) are rapidly growing, undergoing deep transformations while the purchasing power of their inhabitants is increasing. They offer more and more facilities, which contribute to changes in people’s livelihoods, aspirations and activities and, above all, mobility habits (Banos 2005). These changes, combined with a poor urban planning, lead to a spectacular increase ... En savoir plus ...
Possible climate change, prolonged droughts, human population increase, settlement distribution, land fragmentation, poaching and conflict between people and wildlife have put excess pressure on Africa’s wildlife in the recent times. In Kenya, with an additional one million people annually to the already high population densities, the demand for natural resources is rising. Modelling scenarios that anticipate the effects of these threats and provide containment options ... En savoir plus ...
Computational science is rapidly growing and becoming a multidisciplinary field that uses advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve complex problems (in epidemiology, climate change, natural resources management). It is an area of science, which spans many disciplines, but at its core involves the development of models and simulations to understand natural systems. Especially for problems with high socio-ecological interest, mathematical modeling & massively parallel simulations ... En savoir plus ...